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  Gaia DR3 Part 5. Solar System (Gaia Collaboration, 2022)
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1.I/359/ssorMean BP/RP reflectance spectra of asteroids computed as the ratio between the asteroid flux and an averaged solar analogue flux for 60518 objects (ssoreflectancespectrum) (original column names in green) (968288 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Source  Source identifier (source_id) (;meta.main)
  SolID  Solution Identifier (solution_id) (meta.version)
  MPC  (i) Minor Planet number (number_mp) (
  Name (char) Standard MPC denomination of the asteroid (denomination) (
  Nsamples   [16] Nb samples in spectrum (nb_samples) (meta.number)
  Nsp  Number of epoch spectra used to compute the average (num_of_spectra) (meta.number)
  ReflSp  (n) Reflectance spectrum (reflectance_spectrum) (spect)
  e_ReflSp  (n) Error in reflectance spectrum (reflectance_spectrum_err) (stat.error;spect)
  lambda nm Internally-calibrated wavelength of reflectance spectrum (wavelength) (em.wl)
  f_ReflSp   [0/2] Reflectance spectrum value flag (reflectance_spectrum_flag) (Note 1)   (meta.code.qual)

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