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  Chemical composition of halo and disk stars (Nissen+, 1997)
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1.J/A+A/326/751/tablea5Abundance ratios and kinematical parameters (30 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) Designation of star (;meta.main)
  m_Name (char) [AB] Multiplicity index on Name (meta.code.multip)
  Teff K Effective temperature (phys.temperature.effective)
  log(g) [cm/s2] Logarithmic surface gravity (phys.gravity)
  [Fe/H] [Sun] iron-to-hydrogen ratio (phys.abund.Fe)
  [O/Fe] [Sun] Oxygen-to-iron ratio (phys.abund)
  [Mg/Fe] [Sun] Magnesium-to-iron ratio (phys.abund)
  [Si/Fe] [Sun] Silicon-to-iron ratio (phys.abund)
  [Ca/Fe] [Sun] Calcium-to-iron ratio (phys.abund)
  [Ti/Fe] [Sun] Titanium-to-iron ratio (phys.abund)

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  [Cr/Fe] [Sun] Chromium-to-iron ratio (phys.abund)
  [Ni/Fe] [Sun] Nickel-to-iron ratio (phys.abund)
  [Na/Fe] [Sun] Sodium-to-iron ratio (phys.abund)
  [Y/Fe] [Sun] Yttrium-to-iron ratio (phys.abund)
  [Ba/Fe] [Sun] Barium-to-iron ratio (phys.abund)
  Uvel km/s Galactic U-velocity component relative LSR (phys.veloc;pos.cartesian.x;pos.lsr)
  Vvel km/s Galactic V-velocity component relative LSR (phys.veloc;pos.cartesian.y;pos.lsr)
  Wvel km/s Galactic W-velocity component relative LSR (phys.veloc;pos.cartesian.z;pos.lsr)
  V(tot) km/s Total velocity relative to galactic center (phys.veloc)
  H(z) Angular momentum about z-axis of the Galaxy (phys.angMomentum)
  e  Orbital eccentricity (src.orbital.eccentricity)
  z(max) kpc Maximum value of z-coordinate (pos.distance;src.orbital)
  R(max) kpc Maximum distance from galactic center (pos.distance;src.orbital)
  z(min) kpc Minimum value of z-coordinate (pos.distance;src.orbital)
  R(min) kpc Minimum distance from galactic center (pos.distance;src.orbital)
  |z|(max) kpc Maximum distance from the galactic plane (pos.distance;src.orbital)

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