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  NGC 5523 H-band image (Fulmer+, 2017)
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1.J/A+A/598/A119/colorEllipse analysis for the SDSS g image, as well as the (g-r) color analysis (from ngc5523coloranalysis.fits file) (43 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  sma pix Semi-major axis length (SMA) (phys.angSize;src)
  Int  Mean isophotal intensity (INTENS) (phot.count;em.opt)
  e_Int  Error in isophotal intensity (rms/sqrt(Ndata)) (INT_ERR) (stat.error)
  PixVar  Estimate of pixel variance (rms*sqrt(SArea)) (PIX_VAR) (stat.variance)
  rms  Root-mean-square scatter around isophotal intensity (RMS) (instr.det.noise)
  Ellip  Ellipticity (ELLIP) (src.ellipticity)
  e_Ellip  Ellipticity error (ELLIP_ERR) (stat.error)
  PA deg [] Position angle, counterclockwise from +y (PA) (pos.posAng;instr.det)
  e_PA deg Position angle error (PA_ERR) (stat.error)
  X0 pix Ellipse center, X0 (X0) (pos.cartesian.x;pos.errorEllipse)

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 (i)indexed column
  e_X0 pix Error of ellipse center X0 (X0_ERR) (stat.error;pos.cartesian.x)
  Y0 pix Ellipse center, Y0 (Y0) (pos.cartesian.y;pos.errorEllipse)
  e_Y0 pix Error of ellipse center Y0 (Y0_ERR) (stat.error;pos.cartesian.y)
  Grad  Local radial intensity gradient (GRAD) (arith.grad)
  e_Grad  Gradient error (GRAD_ERR) (stat.error)
  erGrad  Gradient relative error (GRADRERR) (stat.error)
  rsma pix+0.25 (semi-major axis length) ** 1/4 (RSMA) (phys.angSize;src)
  mag  Mean isophotal magnitude (MAG) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  e_mag  Error on mag (lower value) (MAG_LERR) (stat.error)
  E_mag  Error on mag (upper value) (MAG_UERR) (stat.error;stat.max)
  TfluxE  Total flux enclosed by ellipse (TFLUX_E) (phot.flux.density)
  TfluxC  Total flux enclosed by circle (TFLUX_C) (phot.flux.density)
  TmagE mag Total flux enclosed by ellipse (TMAG_E) (phot.mag;em.opt)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  TmagC mag Total flux enclosed by circle (TMAG_C) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  NpixE  Total number of valid pixels inside ellipse (NPIX_E) (meta.number)
  NpixC  Total number of valid pixels inside circle (NPIX_C) (meta.number)
  A3  3rd harmonic deviations from ellipse (A3) (
  e_A3  rms uncertainty on A3 (A3_ERR) (stat.error)
  B3  3rd harmonic deviations from ellipse (B3) (
  e_B3  rms uncertainty on B3 (B3_ERR) (stat.error)
  A4  4th harmonic deviations from ellipse (A4) (
  e_A4  rms uncertainty on A4 (A4_ERR) (stat.error)
  B4  4th harmonic deviations from ellipse (B4) (
  e_B4  rms uncertainty on B4 (B4_ERR) (stat.error)
  Ndata  Number of valid data points on isophote (NDATA) (meta.number)
  Nflag  Number of flagged data points on isophote (NFLAG) (meta.number)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  Niter  Number of iterations (NITER) (meta.number)
  Stop  Stop condition code (STOP) (meta.code)
  Abig  Maximum (in abs. value ) among 1st and 2nd harmonic amplitudes(A_BIG) (stat.max)
  SArea pix Average sector area on isophote (SAREA) (phys.angSize)
  magC  Mean isophotal magnitude inside circle (MAG_C) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  smaa arcsec Semi-major axis length in arcsec (SMA_arcsec) (phys.angSize;src)
  smag pix Semi-major axis length in g-band (SMA_g) (phys.angSize;src)
  magCg  Mean isophotal magnitude inside circle in g band (MAGCg) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  smaag arcsec Semi-major axis length in arcsec in g band (SMAarcsecg) (phys.angSize;src)
  g-r  g-r colour index ((g-r)) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)

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