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  LoTSS-DR2 sample overview release (Botteon+, 2022)
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1.J/A+A/660/A78/arhsampSample of radio halos and candidate radio halos that were classified with an asterisk because of their low significance (table C1) (10 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) Name of the source, PSZ2 (Name) (;meta.main)
  S150 mJy Flux density of the radio halo at 150MHz integrated within the 2sigma region (S150 (2sigma)) (phot.flux.density;
  e_S150 mJy Error on the flux density of the radio halo at 150MHz integrated within the 2sigma region (S150_err (2sigma)) (stat.error)
  S150f mJy Flux density of the radio halo at 150MHz obtained from the surface brightness profile fitting (S150 (fit)) (phot.flux.density;
  e_S150f mJy Error on the flux density of the radio halo at 150MHz obtained from the surface brightness profile fitting (S150_err (fit)) (stat.error)
  P150 W/Hz k-corrected radio power of the radio halo at 150MHz (P150) (;
  e_P150 W/Hz Error on the k-corrected radio power of the radio halo at 150MHz (P150_err) (stat.error)
  I0 uJy/arcsec2Best-fit central brightness (I0) (
  e_I0 uJy/arcsec2Error on the best-fit central brightness (I0_err) (stat.error)
  r1 kpc Best-fit e-folding radius (r1) (phys.size.radius;meta.modelled)
  e_r1 kpc Error on the best-fit e-folding radius (r1_err) (stat.error)
  Model (char) [circle] Model used to fit the radio halo (Model) (instr.setup;meta.modelled)
  SNR  Signal-to-noise ratio of the fit (SNR) (;meta.modelled)
  rms mJy/beam Noise of the LOFAR radio image used for the fit (rms) (stat.snr)
  chi2red  Reduced chi2 of the fit (chi2red) (;;meta.modelled)

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