
CfA VizieR . ADAC VizieR . Cambridge (UK) VizieR . IUCAA VizieR . INASAN VizieR .


Simple TargetList Of TargetsFast Xmatch with large catalogs or Simbad
Target Name (resolved by Sesame) or Position:
Target dimension:
NB: The epoch used for the query is the original epoch of the table(s)Radius Box size

  The eFEDS X-ray catalogs (V7.4) (Brunner+, 2022)
Post annotation
1.J/A+A/661/A1/hardeFEDS hard-band selected catalog, converted from eFEDSc001hard_V7.5.fits) (246 rows)

Query by Constraints constraints help applied on Columns (Output Order: + - )
ShowSortColumn  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) Source name, eFEDS JHHMMSS.s+DDMMSS (Name) (;meta.main)
  ID-SRC   [1/28075] Source ID for hard catalog (ID_SRC) (
  ID-main  (n) Source ID in the single-band detected, eFEDS main catalog (ID_main) (
  RA_ICRS deg (i) [127.17/145.14] Uncorrected RA (ICRS) (RA) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DE_ICRS deg (i) [-2.49/5.63] Uncorrected Dec (ICRS) (DEC) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  ePos arcsec (n) Combined positional uncertainty, uncorrected (RADEC_ERR) (stat.error;pos)
  RAcdeg deg Corrected RA (ICRS) (RA_CORR) (pos.eq.ra)
  DEcdeg deg Corrected Dec (ICRS) (DEC_CORR) (pos.eq.dec)
  ePosC arcsec Combined positional uncertainty, corrected (RADECERRCORR) (stat.error;pos)
  Ext arcsec Source extent (EXT) (phys.angSize)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_Ext arcsec Extent error (EXT_ERR) (stat.error)
  ExtLike  Extent likelihood (EXT_LIKE) (stat.likelihood)
  DetLike0  Detection likelihood measured by PSF-fitting (DETLIKE0) (stat.likelihood)
  MLRate0 ct/s Source count rate (MLRATE0) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_MLRate0 ct/s (n) 1 sigma count rate error (MLRATEERR_0) (stat.error)
  MLCts0 ct Source net counts, combining 3 bands (MLCTS0) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  e_MLCts0 ct (n) 1 sigma counts error (MLCTSERR_0) (stat.error)
  MLFlux0 mW/m2 Source flux (MLFLUX0) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  e_MLFlux0 mW/m2 (n) 1 sigma flux error (MLFLUXERR_0) (stat.error)
  MLBkg0 ct/arcmin2Background flux at the source position (MLBKG0) (instr.background)
  inArea90  True if in the 0.2-2.3keV exp>500s region, which comprises 90% area (inArea90) (meta.code)
  DetLike1  Detection likelihood measured by PSF-fitting (DETLIKE1) (stat.likelihood)
  DetLike2  Detection likelihood measured by PSF-fitting (DETLIKE2) (stat.likelihood)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  DetLike3  Detection likelihood measured by PSF-fitting (DETLIKE3) (stat.likelihood)
  MLRate1 ct/s Source count rate measured by PSF-fitting (MLRATE1) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLRate2 ct/s Source count rate measured by PSF-fitting (MLRATE2) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLRate3 ct/s Source count rate measured by PSF-fitting (MLRATE3) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  s_MLRate1 ct/s (n) 1 sigma count rate error (MLRATEERR_1) (arith.rate;phot.count)
  s_MLRate2 ct/s (n) 1 sigma count rate error (MLRATEERR_2) (arith.rate;phot.count)
  s_MLRate3 ct/s (n) 1 sigma count rate error (MLRATEERR_3) (arith.rate;phot.count)
  MLCts1 ct Source net counts measured from count rate (MLCTS1) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLCts2 ct Source net counts measured from count rate (MLCTS2) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLCts3 ct Source net counts measured from count rate (MLCTS3) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  s_MLCts1 ct (n) 1 sigma counts error (MLCTSERR_1) (stat.error;phot.count)
  s_MLCts2 ct (n) 1 sigma counts error (MLCTSERR_2) (stat.error;phot.count)
  s_MLCts3 ct (n) 1 sigma counts error (MLCTSERR_3) (stat.error;phot.count)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  MLFlux1 mW/m2 Source flux converted from count rate (MLFLUX1) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  MLFlux2 mW/m2 Source flux converted from count rate (MLFLUX2) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  MLFlux3 mW/m2 Source flux converted from count rate (MLFLUX3) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  s_MLFlux1 mW/m2 (n) 1 sigma flux error (MLFLUXERR_1) (stat.error;phot.flux)
  s_MLFlux2 mW/m2 (n) 1 sigma flux error (MLFLUXERR_2) (stat.error;phot.flux)
  s_MLFlux3 mW/m2 (n) 1 sigma flux error (MLFLUXERR_3) (stat.error;phot.flux)
  MLExp1 s Vignetted exposure value (MLEXP1) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  MLExp2 s Vignetted exposure value (MLEXP2) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  MLExp3 s Vignetted exposure value (MLEXP3) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  MLBkg1 ct/arcmin2Background flux at the source position (MLBKG1) (instr.background)
  MLBkg2 ct/arcmin2Background flux at the source position (MLBKG2) (instr.background)
  MLBkg3 ct/arcmin2Background flux at the source position (MLBKG3) (instr.background)
  DetLikeb1  Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 0.2-0.5keV (DETLIKEb1) (stat.likelihood)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  DetLikeb2  Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 0.5-1keV (DETLIKEb2) (stat.likelihood)
  DetLikeb3  Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 1-2keV (DETLIKEb3) (stat.likelihood)
  DetLikeb4  Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 2-4.5keV (DETLIKEb4) (stat.likelihood)
  DetLikes  Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 0.5-2keV (DETLIKEs) (stat.likelihood)
  DetLikeh  Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 2.3-5keV (DETLIKEh) (stat.likelihood)
  DetLikeu  Detection likelihood measured by forced PSF-fitting; 5-8keV (DETLIKEu) (stat.likelihood)
  MLRateb1 ct/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting;.2-.5keV (MLRATEb1) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLRateb2 ct/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting;0.5-1keV (MLRATEb2) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLRateb3 ct/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting; 1-2keV (MLRATEb3) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLRateb4 ct/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF- fitting;2-4.5keV (MLRATEb4) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLRates ct/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting;0.5-2keV (MLRATEs) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLRateh ct/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF- fitting;2.3-5keV (MLRATEh) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLRateu ct/s Source count rate measured by forced PSF-fitting; 5-8keV (MLRATEu) (phot.count;em.X-ray)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  s_MLRateb1 ct/s 1 sigma count rate error; 0.2-0.5keV (MLRATEERR_b1) (arith.rate;phot.count)
  s_MLRateb2 ct/s 1 sigma count rate error; 0.5-1keV (MLRATEERR_b2) (arith.rate;phot.count)
  s_MLRateb3 ct/s 1 sigma count rate error; 1-2keV (MLRATEERR_b3) (arith.rate;phot.count)
  s_MLRateb4 ct/s 1 sigma count rate error; 2-4.5keV (MLRATEERR_b4) (arith.rate;phot.count)
  s_MLRates ct/s 1 sigma count rate error; 0.5-2keV (MLRATEERR_s) (arith.rate;phot.count)
  s_MLRateh ct/s 1 sigma count rate error; 2.3-5keV (MLRATEERR_h) (arith.rate;phot.count)
  s_MLRateu ct/s 1 sigma count rate error; 5-8keV (MLRATEERR_u) (arith.rate;phot.count)
  e_MLRateb1 ct/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate; 0.2-0.5keV (MLRATELOWERR_b1) (stat.error)
  e_MLRateb2 ct/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate; 0.5-1keV (MLRATELOWERR_b2) (stat.error)
  e_MLRateb3 ct/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate; 1-2keV (MLRATELOWERR_b3) (stat.error)
  e_MLRateb4 ct/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate; 2-4.5keV (MLRATELOWERR_b4) (stat.error)
  e_MLRates ct/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate; 0.5-2keV (MLRATELOWERR_s) (stat.error)
  e_MLRateh ct/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate; 2.3-5keV (MLRATELOWERR_h) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_MLRateu ct/s 1 sigma lower error of count rate; 5-8keV (MLRATELOWERR_u) (stat.error)
  E_MLRateb1 ct/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate; 0.2-0.5keV (MLRATEUPERR_b1) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLRateb2 ct/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate; 0.5-1keV (MLRATEUPERR_b2) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLRateb3 ct/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate; 1-2keV (MLRATEUPERR_b3) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLRateb4 ct/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate; 2-4.5keV (MLRATEUPERR_b4) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLRates ct/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate; 0.5-2keV (MLRATEUPERR_s) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLRateh ct/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate; 2.3-5keV (MLRATEUPERR_h) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLRateu ct/s 1 sigma upper error of count rate; 5-8keV (MLRATEUPERR_u) (stat.error;stat.max)
  MLCtsb1 ct Source net counts measured from count rate; 0.2-0.5keV (MLCTSb1) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLCtsb2 ct Source net counts measured from count rate; 0.5-1keV (MLCTSb2) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLCtsb3 ct Source net counts measured from count rate; 1-2keV (MLCTSb3) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLCtsb4 ct Source net counts measured from count rate; 2-4.5keV (MLCTSb4) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLCtss ct Source net counts measured from count rate; 0.5-2keV (MLCTSs) (phot.count;em.X-ray)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  MLCtsh ct Source net counts measured from count rate; 2.3-5keV (MLCTSh) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  MLCtsu ct Source net counts measured from count rate; 5-8keV (MLCTSu) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  s_MLCtsb1 ct 1 sigma counts error; 0.2-0.5keV (MLCTSERR_b1) (stat.error;phot.count)
  s_MLCtsb2 ct 1 sigma counts error; 0.5-1keV (MLCTSERR_b2) (stat.error;phot.count)
  s_MLCtsb3 ct 1 sigma counts error; 1-2keV (MLCTSERR_b3) (stat.error;phot.count)
  s_MLCtsb4 ct 1 sigma counts error; 2-4.5keV (MLCTSERR_b4) (stat.error;phot.count)
  s_MLCtss ct 1 sigma counts error; 0.5-2keV (MLCTSERR_s) (stat.error;phot.count)
  s_MLCtsh ct 1 sigma counts error; 2.3-5keV (MLCTSERR_h) (stat.error;phot.count)
  s_MLCtsu ct 1 sigma counts error; 5-8keV (MLCTSERR_u) (stat.error;phot.count)
  e_MLCtsb1 ct 1 sigma lower error of counts; 0.2-0.5keV (MLCTSLOWERR_b1) (stat.error)
  e_MLCtsb2 ct 1 sigma lower error of counts; 0.5-1keV (MLCTSLOWERR_b2) (stat.error)
  e_MLCtsb3 ct 1 sigma lower error of counts; 1-2keV (MLCTSLOWERR_b3) (stat.error)
  e_MLCtsb4 ct 1 sigma lower error of counts; 2-4.5keV (MLCTSLOWERR_b4) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_MLCtss ct 1 sigma lower error of counts; 0.5-2keV (MLCTSLOWERR_s) (stat.error)
  e_MLCtsh ct 1 sigma lower error of counts; 2.3-5keV (MLCTSLOWERR_h) (stat.error)
  e_MLCtsu ct 1 sigma lower error of counts; 5-8keV (MLCTSLOWERR_u) (stat.error)
  E_MLCtsb1 ct 1 sigma upper error of counts; 0.2-0.5keV (MLCTSUPERR_b1) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLCtsb2 ct 1 sigma upper error of counts; 0.5-1keV (MLCTSUPERR_b2) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLCtsb3 ct 1 sigma upper error of counts; 1-2keV (MLCTSUPERR_b3) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLCtsb4 ct 1 sigma upper error of counts; 2-4.5keV (MLCTSUPERR_b4) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLCtss ct 1 sigma upper error of counts; 0.5-2keV (MLCTSUPERR_s) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLCtsh ct 1 sigma upper error of counts; 2.3-5keV (MLCTSUPERR_h) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLCtsu ct 1 sigma upper error of counts; 5-8keV (MLCTSUPERR_u) (stat.error;stat.max)
  MLFluxb1 mW/m2 Source flux converted from count rate; 0.2-0.5keV (MLFLUXb1) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  MLFluxb2 mW/m2 Source flux converted from count rate; 0.5-1keV (MLFLUXb2) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  MLFluxb3 mW/m2 Source flux converted from count rate; 1-2keV (MLFLUXb3) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  MLFluxb4 mW/m2 Source flux converted from count rate; 2-4.5keV (MLFLUXb4) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  MLFluxs mW/m2 Source flux converted from count rate; 0.5-2keV (MLFLUXs) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  MLFluxh mW/m2 Source flux converted from count rate; 2.3-5keV (MLFLUXh) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  MLFluxu mW/m2 Source flux converted from count rate; 5-8keV (MLFLUXu) (phot.flux;em.X-ray)
  s_MLFluxb1 mW/m2 1 sigma flux error; 0.2-0.5keV (MLFLUXERR_b1) (stat.error;phot.flux)
  s_MLFluxb2 mW/m2 1 sigma flux error; 0.5-1keV (MLFLUXERR_b2) (stat.error;phot.flux)
  s_MLFluxb3 mW/m2 1 sigma flux error; 1-2keV (MLFLUXERR_b3) (stat.error;phot.flux)
  s_MLFluxb4 mW/m2 1 sigma flux error; 2-4.5keV (MLFLUXERR_b4) (stat.error;phot.flux)
  s_MLFluxs mW/m2 1 sigma flux error; 0.5-2keV (MLFLUXERR_s) (stat.error;phot.flux)
  s_MLFluxh mW/m2 1 sigma flux error; 2.3-5keV (MLFLUXERR_h) (stat.error;phot.flux)
  s_MLFluxu mW/m2 1 sigma flux error; 5-8keV (MLFLUXERR_u) (stat.error;phot.flux)
  e_MLFluxb1 mW/m2 1 sigma lower error of flux; 0.2-0.5keV (MLFLUXLOWERR_b1) (stat.error)
  e_MLFluxb2 mW/m2 1 sigma lower error of flux; 0.5-1keV (MLFLUXLOWERR_b2) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_MLFluxb3 mW/m2 1 sigma lower error of flux; 1-2keV (MLFLUXLOWERR_b3) (stat.error)
  e_MLFluxb4 mW/m2 1 sigma lower error of flux; 2-4.5keV (MLFLUXLOWERR_b4) (stat.error)
  e_MLFluxs mW/m2 1 sigma lower error of flux; 0.5-2keV (MLFLUXLOWERR_s) (stat.error)
  e_MLFluxh mW/m2 1 sigma lower error of flux; 2.3-5keV (MLFLUXLOWERR_h) (stat.error)
  e_MLFluxu mW/m2 1 sigma lower error of flux; 5-8keV (MLFLUXLOWERR_u) (stat.error)
  E_MLFluxb1 mW/m2 1 sigma upper error of flux; 0.2-0.5keV (MLFLUXUPERR_b1) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLFluxb2 mW/m2 1 sigma upper error of flux; 0.5-1keV (MLFLUXUPERR_b2) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLFluxb3 mW/m2 1 sigma upper error of flux; 1-2keV (MLFLUXUPERR_b3) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLFluxb4 mW/m2 1 sigma upper error of flux; 2-4.5keV (MLFLUXUPERR_b4) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLFluxs mW/m2 1 sigma upper error of flux; 0.5-2keV (MLFLUXUPERR_s) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLFluxh mW/m2 1 sigma upper error of flux; 2.3-5keV (MLFLUXUPERR_h) (stat.error;stat.max)
  E_MLFluxu mW/m2 1 sigma upper error of flux; 5-8keV (MLFLUXUPERR_u) (stat.error;stat.max)
  MLExpb1 s Vignetted exposure value; 0.2-0.5keV (MLEXPb1) (stat.value;obs.exposure)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  MLExpb2 s Vignetted exposure value; 0.5-1keV (MLEXPb2) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  MLExpb3 s Vignetted exposure value; 1-2keV (MLEXPb3) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  MLExpb4 s Vignetted exposure value; 2-4.5keV (MLEXPb4) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  MLExps s Vignetted exposure value; 0.5-2keV (MLEXPs) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  MLExph s Vignetted exposure value; 2.3-5keV (MLEXPh) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  MLExpu s Vignetted exposure value; 5-8keV (MLEXPu) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  MLBkgb1 ct/arcmin2Background flux at the source position; 0.2-0.5keV (MLBKGb1) (instr.background)
  MLBkgb2 ct/arcmin2Background flux at the source position; 0.5-1keV (MLBKGb2) (instr.background)
  MLBkgb3 ct/arcmin2Background flux at the source position; 1-2keV (MLBKGb3) (instr.background)
  MLBkgb4 ct/arcmin2Background flux at the source position; 2-4.5keV (MLBKGb4) (instr.background)
  MLBkgs ct/arcmin2Background flux at the source position; 0.5-2keV (MLBKGs) (instr.background)
  MLBkgh ct/arcmin2Background flux at the source position; 2.3-5keV (MLBKGh) (instr.background)
  MLBkgu ct/arcmin2Background flux at the source position; 5-8keV (MLBKGu) (instr.background)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  ApCtsb1 ct Total counts extracted in the aperture; 0.2-0.5keV (APECTSb1) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  ApCtsb2 ct Total counts extracted in the aperture; 0.5-1keV (APECTSb2) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  ApCtsb3 ct Total counts extracted in the aperture; 1-2keV (APECTSb3) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  ApCtsb4 ct Total counts extracted in the aperture; 2-4.5keV (APECTSb4) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  ApCtss ct Total counts extracted in the aperture; 0.5-2keV (APECTSs) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  ApCtsh ct Total counts extracted in the aperture; 2.3-5keV (APECTSh) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  ApCtsu ct Total counts extracted in the aperture; 5-8keV (APECTSu) (phot.count;em.X-ray)
  ApExPb1 s Vignetted exposure value; 0.2-0.5keV (APEEXPb1) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  ApExPb2 s Vignetted exposure value; 0.5-1keV (APEEXPb2) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  ApExPb3 s Vignetted exposure value; 1-2keV (APEEXPb3) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  ApExPb4 s Vignetted exposure value; 2-4.5keV (APEEXPb4) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  ApExPs s Vignetted exposure value; 0.5-2keV (APEEXPs) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  ApExPh s Vignetted exposure value; 2.3-5keV (APEEXPh) (stat.value;obs.exposure)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  ApExPu s Vignetted exposure value; 5-8keV (APEEXPu) (stat.value;obs.exposure)
  ApBkgb1 ct Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources; 0.2-0.5keV (APEBKGb1) (instr.background)
  ApBkgb2 ct Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources; 0.5-1keV (APEBKGb2) (instr.background)
  ApBkgb3 ct Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources; 1-2keV (APEBKGb3) (instr.background)
  ApBkgb4 ct Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources; 2-4.5keV (APEBKGb4) (instr.background)
  ApBkgs ct Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources; 0.5-2keV (APEBKGs) (instr.background)
  ApBkgh ct Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources; 2.3-5keV (APEBKGh) (instr.background)
  ApBkgu ct Background counts in the aperture, excluding nearby sources; 5-8keV (APEBKGu) (instr.background)
  ApRadb1 pix Aperture radius; 0.2-0.5keV (APERADIUSb1) (
  ApRadb2 pix Aperture radius; 0.5-1keV (APERADIUSb2) (
  ApRadb3 pix Aperture radius; 1-2keV (APERADIUSb3) (
  ApRadb4 pix Aperture radius; 2-4.5keV (APERADIUSb4) (
  ApRads pix Aperture radius; 0.5-2keV (APERADIUSs) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  ApRadh pix Aperture radius; 2.3-5keV (APERADIUSh) (
  ApRadu pix Aperture radius; 5-8keV (APERADIUSu) (
  ApPoisb1  (n) Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 0.2-0.5keV (APEPOISb1) (
  ApPoisb2  (n) Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 0.5-1keV (APEPOISb2) (
  ApPoisb3  (n) Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 1-2keV (APEPOISb3) (
  ApPoisb4  (n) Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 2-4.5keV (APEPOISb4) (
  ApPoiss  (n) Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 0.5-2keV (APEPOISs) (
  ApPoish  (n) Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 2.3-5keV (APEPOISh) (
  ApPoisu  (n) Poisson probability of being background fluctuation; 5-8keV (APEPOISu) (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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elapse time 1

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