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  Chemical abundances in LINERs from MaNGA. I (Perez-Diaz+, 2025)
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1.J/A+A/694/A18/tableb4Estimated nitrogen-to-oxygen abundance ratios in the nuclear region of our sample of LINER-like galaxies based on different grids of photoionization models (105 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) Identificators of the objects following the convention "PLATE-IFUDESIGN" (;meta.main)
  logNO-a08e02  Optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-0.8 and efrac=0.02 (phys.abund)
  e_logNO-a08e02  Uncertainty in the optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-0.8 and efrac=0.02 (stat.error)
  logNO-a10e02  Optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-1.0 and efrac=0.02 (phys.abund)
  e_logNO-a10e02  Uncertainty in the optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-1.0 and efrac=0.02 (stat.error)
  logNO-a12e02  Optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-1.2 and efrac=0.02 (phys.abund)
  e_logNO-a12e02  Uncertainty in the optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-1.2 and efrac=0.02 (stat.error)
  logNO-a14e02  Optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-1.4 and efrac=0.02 (phys.abund)
  e_logNO-a14e02  Uncertainty in the optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-1.4 and efrac=0.02 (stat.error)
  logNO-a16e02  Optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-1.6 and efrac=0.02 (phys.abund)

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  e_logNO-a16e02  Uncertainty in the optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-1.6 and efrac=0.02 (stat.error)
  logNO-a18e02  Optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-1.8 and efrac=0.02 (phys.abund)
  e_logNO-a18e02  Uncertainty in the optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-1.8 and efrac=0.02 (stat.error)
  logNO-a20e02  Optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-2.0 and efrac=0.02 (phys.abund)
  e_logNO-a20e02  Uncertainty in the optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming AGN models with alphaOX=-2.0 and efrac=0.02 (stat.error)
  logNO-ADAFe02  Optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming advected-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) models and efrac=0.02 (phys.abund)
  e_logNO-ADAFe02  Uncertainty in the optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming advected-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) and efrac=0.02 (stat.error)
  logNO-T50kke02  Optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming pAGB models with T=50kK and efrac=0.02 (phys.abund)
  e_logNO-T50kke02  Uncertainty in the optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming pAGB models with T=50kK and efrac=0.02 (stat.error)
  logNO-T100kke02  Optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming pAGB models with T=100kK and efrac=0.02 (phys.abund)
  e_logNO-T100kke02  Uncertainty in the optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming pAGB models with T=100kK and efrac=0.02 (stat.error)
  logNO-T150kke02  Optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming pAGB models with T=150kK and efrac=0.02 (phys.abund)
  e_logNO-T150kke02  Uncertainty in the optical estimation of the nitrogen-to-oxygen abundances assuming pAGB models with T=150kK and efrac=0.02 (stat.error)

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