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  Photopolarimetry of BM And (Grinin+, 1995)
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1.J/A+AS/112/457/tableaBM And photoelectric UBV observations (120 rows)
2.J/A+AS/112/457/tablebData of simultaneous BM And and UBVRI photometry and polarimetry (99 rows)
3.J/A+AS/112/457/tablecData of polarimetry of stars in the neighbourhood of BM And (11 rows)

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  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  (1+2)JD d Julian date (time.epoch)
  (1+2)Vmag mag V magnitude (phot.mag;em.opt.V)
  (1)u_Vmag (char) Uncertainty flag (:) on V magnitude (meta.code.error)
  (1+2)U-B mag []? U-B colour index (phot.color;em.opt.U;em.opt.B)
  (1+2)u_U-B (char) Uncertainty flag (:) on U-B (meta.code.error)
  (1+2)B-V mag []? B-V colour index (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.V)
  (1)u_B-V (char) Uncertainty flag (:) on B-V (meta.code.error)
  (2)V-R mag []? V-R colour index (phot.color;em.opt.V;em.opt.R)
  (2)V-I mag []? V-I colour index (phot.color;em.opt.V;em.opt.I)
  (2+3)P(U) % []? Degree of linear polarization in U passband (phys.polarization)

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  (2+3)e_P(U) % []? Error on P(U) (stat.error)
  (2+3)PA(U) deg []? Positional angle of polarization in U (pos.posAng;phys.polarization)
  (2+3)e_PA(U) deg []? Error on PA(U) (stat.error)
  (2+3)P(B) % []? Degree of linear polarization in B passband (phys.polarization)
  (2+3)e_P(B) % []? Error on P(B) (stat.error)
  (2+3)PA(B) deg []? Positional angle of polarization in B (pos.posAng;phys.polarization)
  (2+3)e_PA(B) deg []? Error on PA(B) (stat.error)
  (2+3)P(V) % []? Degree of linear polarization in V passband (phys.polarization)
  (2+3)e_P(V) % []? Error on P(V) (stat.error)
  (2+3)PA(V) deg []? Positional angle of polarization in V (pos.posAng;phys.polarization)
  (2+3)e_PA(V) deg []? Error on PA(V) (stat.error)
  (2+3)P(R) % []? Degree of linear polarization in R passband (phys.polarization)
  (2+3)e_P(R) % []? Error on P(R) (stat.error)

ALL cols
 (i)indexed column
  (2+3)PA(R) deg []? Positional angle of polarization in R (pos.posAng;phys.polarization)
  (2+3)e_PA(R) deg []? Error on PA(R) (stat.error)
  (2+3)P(I) % []? Degree of linear polarization in I passband (phys.polarization)
  (2+3)e_P(I) % []? Error on P(I) (stat.error)
  (2+3)PA(I) deg []? Positional angle of polarization in I (pos.posAng;phys.polarization)
  (2+3)e_PA(I) deg []? Error on PA(I) (stat.error)
  (3)BD (char) BD designation (;meta.main)

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