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  Pleiades members stellar properties (Somers+, 2017)
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1.J/AJ/153/101/table3Derived Stellar Properties (DANCe) (83 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  HII   [25/3187] The H II region identifier (meta.note)
  Teff K [4192/7055] Effective temperature (phys.temperature.effective)
  E_Teff K [16/125] Upper uncertainty in Teff (stat.error;stat.max)
  e_Teff K [21/125] Lower uncertainty in Teff (stat.error;phys.temperature.effective)
  Fbol 10-13W/m2 [2.13/86.19] Bolometric flux (in 10–10 erg/s/cm2) (phot.flux.bol)
  e_Fbol 10-13W/m2 [0/4.65] Lower uncertainty in Fbol (in 10–10 erg/s/cm2) (stat.error)
  E_Fbol 10-13W/m2 [0/4.37] Upper uncertainty in Fbol (in 10–10 erg/s/cm2) (stat.error;stat.max)
  chi2   [0.27/38.32] Model reduced χ2 (stat.param;meta.modelled)
  Diam 10-2mas [4.15/10.33] Angular diameter (phys.angSize)
  e_Diam 10-2mas [0.08/0.51] Lower uncertainty in Diam (stat.error)
  E_Diam 10-2mas [0.07/0.54] Upper uncertainty in Diam (stat.error;stat.max)
  Rad Rsun [0.598/1.487] Radius (phys.size.radius)
  e_Rad Rsun [0.019/0.08] Lower uncertainty in Rad (stat.error)
  E_Rad Rsun [0.018/0.084] Upper uncertainty in Rad (stat.error;stat.max)
  DelRad % [-8/32.8] Percent difference in radius (phys.size.radius)
  E_DelRad % [2.7/8.7] Upper uncertainty in DelRad (stat.error;stat.max)
  e_DelRad % [2.7/8.3] Lower uncertainty in DelRad (stat.error)

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