
CfA VizieR . ADAC VizieR . Cambridge (UK) VizieR . IUCAA VizieR . INASAN VizieR .


Simple TargetList Of TargetsFast Xmatch with large catalogs or Simbad
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  Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey (Wevers+, 2016)
Post annotation
1.J/MNRAS/458/4530/table1(c)List of the pointing centre and the seeing towards each field in the r'-band (64 rows)
2.J/MNRAS/458/4530/mosaicobOverview of which field corresponds to which catalogue file[image/fits] (535 rows)
3.J/MNRAS/458/4530/imagesList of fits images for fields other than those in table1[image/fits] (19 rows)
4.J/MNRAS/458/4530/mercat1(c)Sample of merged catalogues with rgiHalpha data (among 3,144,075 stars) (41536115 rows)
5.J/MNRAS/458/4530/mercat2(c)Sample of merged catalogues with riHalpha data (38,387,310 stars) (41536115 rows)
6.J/MNRAS/458/4530/conserv(c)Most likely optical counterparts of the most conservative sample determined from the likelihood ratio method (table 7 of the paper) (1287 rows)
7.J/MNRAS/458/4530/nohalpha(c)Most likely optical counterparts determined with only r' and i' detections from the likelihood ratio method (table 7 of the paper) (1345 rows)
8.J/MNRAS/458/4530/onlyi(c)Most likely optical counterparts determined with only i' detections from the likelihood ratio method (table 7 of the paper) (1480 rows)

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Column  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  (1,2,3,6,7,8)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  (1+3)Field (char) Field name (S01-S32, N01-N32) (obs.field)
  (1)GLON deg [] Galactic longitude of center in the r'-band (pos.galactic.lon)
  (1)GLAT deg Galactic latitude of center in the r'-band (
  (1+2)Seeing arcsec Seeing in the r'-band (Note 1)   (instr.obsty.seeing)
  (1)Obs.Date d Observation date (MJD) (Note 2)   (time.epoch;obs)
  (1)Id (char) Names of optical images and catalogs files for the field (Note 3)   (
  (1)_RA.icrs deg (n)(i) Right Ascension (ICRS, epoch 2000) computed by CDS (pos.eq.ra)
  (1)_DE.icrs deg (n)(i) Declination (ICRS, epoch 2000) computed by CDS (pos.eq.dec)
  (2)ID (char) Identification (objNNN) (;meta.main)
  (2)Obs.Date (char) Observation date (time.epoch;obs)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (2)ExpTime s Exposure time (time.duration;obs.exposure)
  (2)Band (char) [gri Ha] Observed band (instr.bandpass)
  (2+6+7+8)Name (char) Name of the GBS field with filter (GBS[SN]NN[griH], GBS[SN]NN[griH]_off, GBS[SN]NN[griH]_short) (
  (2)Img (char) Name of the fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (2)Dir1 (char) Name of the subdirectory with ascii single filter catalogues (Note 1)   (;instr.filter)
  (2)FileName1 (char) Name of the fits file with single filter catalogues in subdirectory fits (;meta.fits)
  (2)Dir2 (char) Name of the subdirectory with ascii merged catalogues (Note 2)   (
  (2)FileName2 (char) Name of the fits file with merged catalogues in subdirectory fits (;meta.fits)
  (3)img1 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img2 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img3 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img4 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img5 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3)img6 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img7 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img8 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img9 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img10 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img11 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img12 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img13 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img14 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img15 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img16 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img17 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img18 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3)img19 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img20 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img21 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img22 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img23 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img24 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img25 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img26 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img27 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img28 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img29 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img30 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img31 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (3)img32 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (3)img33 (char) Name of fits image in subdirectory img (meta.note)
  (4+5+6+7+8)RAJ2000 deg (i) Right ascension (J2000) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  (4+5+6+7+8)DEJ2000 deg (i) Declination (J2000) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  (4+5)Xi  Intensity-weighted isophotal centre-of-gravity in X (Xi) (pos.cartesian.x)
  (4+5)Xn  Intensity-weighted isophotal centre-of-gravity in Y (Xn) (pos.cartesian.y)
  (4+5)rApermag1 mag (n) r-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of 1/2*core radius (rApermag1) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (4+5)e_rApermag1 mag (n) rms uncertainty on rApermag1 (rApermag1_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)rApermag2 mag (n) r-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of 1*core radius (rApermag2) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (4+5)e_rApermag2 mag (n) rms uncertainty on rApermag2 (rApermag2_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)rApermag3 mag (n) r-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of sqrt(2)*core radius (rApermag3) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (4+5)e_rApermag3 mag (n) rms uncertainty on rApermag3 (rApermag3_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)rApermag4 mag (n) r-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of 2*core radius (rApermag4) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.R)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (4+5)e_rApermag4 mag (n) rms uncertainty on rApermag4 (rApermag4_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)rApermag5 mag (n) r-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of 2sqrt(2)*core radius (rApermag5) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (4+5)e_rApermag5 mag (n) rms uncertainty on rApermag5 (rApermag5_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)rClass   [-9/1] Morphological classification based on the shape of the PSF for r-band (rClass) (Note G1)   (src.morph.type)
  (4+5)rTiltmag mag (n) r-band Vega magnitude (rTiltmag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (4+5)e_rTiltmag mag (n) rms uncertainty on rTiltmag (rTiltmag_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)rPointer  (n) ID number in the r-band single-filter catalog (rPointer) (Note 2)   (
  (4)gApermag1 mag (n) r-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius 0f 1/2*core radius (gApermag1) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (4)e_gApermag1 mag (n) rms uncertainty on gApermag1 (gApermag1_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4)gApermag2 mag (n) g-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of 1*core radius (gApermag2) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (4)e_gApermag2 mag (n) rms uncertainty on gApermag2 (gApermag2_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4)gApermag3 mag (n) g-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of sqrt(2)*core radius (gApermag3) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (4)e_gApermag3 mag (n) rms uncertainty on gApermag3 (gApermag3_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (4)gApermag4 mag (n) g-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of 2*core radius (gApermag4) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (4)e_gApermag4 mag (n) rms uncertainty on gApermag4 (gApermag4_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4)gApermag5 mag (n) g-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of 2sqrt(2)*core radius (gApermag5) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (4)e_gApermag5 mag (n) rms uncertainty on gApermag5 (gApermag5_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4)gClass   [-9/1] Morphological classification based on the shape of the PSF for g-band (gClass) (Note G1)   (src.morph.type)
  (4)gTiltmag mag (n) g-band magnitude (gTiltmag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  (4)e_gTiltmag mag (n) rms uncertainty on gTiltmag (gTiltmag_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4)gPointer  (n) ID number in the g-band single-filter catalog (gPointer) (Note 2)   (
  (4+5)iApermag1 mag (n) i-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius 0f 1/2*core radius (iApermag1) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  (4+5)e_iApermag1 mag (n) rms uncertainty on iApermag1 (iApermag1_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)iApermag2 mag (n) i-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of 1*core radius (iApermag2) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  (4+5)e_iApermag2 mag (n) rms uncertainty on iApermag2 (iApermag2_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)iApermag3 mag (n) i-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of sqrt(2)*core radius (iApermag3) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.I)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (4+5)e_iApermag3 mag (n) rms uncertainty on iApermag3 (iApermag3_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)iApermag4 mag (n) i-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of 2*core radius (iApermag4) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  (4+5)e_iApermag4 mag (n) rms uncertainty on iApermag4 (iApermag4_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)iApermag5 mag (n) i-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of 2sqrt(2)*core radius (iApermag5) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  (4+5)e_iApermag5 mag (n) rms uncertainty on iApermag5 (iApermag5_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)iClass   [-9/1] Morphological classification based on the shape of the PSF for i-band (iClass) (Note G1)   (src.morph.type)
  (4+5)iTiltmag mag (n) i-band magnitude (iTiltmag) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  (4+5)e_iTiltmag mag (n) rms uncertainty on iTiltmag (iTiltmag_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)iPointer  (n) ID number in the i-band single-filter catalog (iPointer) (Note 2)   (
  (4+5)HaApermag1 mag (n) Halpha-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius 0f 1/2*core radius (hApermag1) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.line.Halpha)
  (4+5)e_HaApermag1 mag (n) rms uncertainty on HApermag1 (hApermag1_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)HaApermag2 mag (n) Halpha-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of 1*core radius (hApermag2) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.line.Halpha)
  (4+5)e_HaApermag2 mag (n) rms uncertainty on HApermag2 (hApermag2_err)) (stat.error;phot.mag)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (4+5)HaApermag3 mag (n) Halpha-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of sqrt(2)*core radius (hApermag3) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.line.Halpha)
  (4+5)e_HaApermag3 mag (n) rms uncertainty on HApermag3 (hApermag3_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)HaApermag4 mag (n) Halpha-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of 2*core radius (hApermag4) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.line.Halpha)
  (4+5)e_HaApermag4 mag (n) rms uncertainty on HApermag4 (hApermag4_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)HaApermag5 mag (n) Halpha-band Vega magnitude determined with an aperture radius of 2sqrt(2)*core radius (hApermag5) (Note 1)   (phot.mag;em.line.Halpha)
  (4+5)e_HaApermag5 mag (n) rms uncertainty on hApermag5 (hApermag5_err)) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4)HaClass   [-9/1] Morphological classification based on the shape of the PSF for Hα-band (hClass) (Note G1)   (src.morph.type)
  (4+5)HaTiltmag mag (n) Halpha magnitude (hTiltmag) (phot.mag;em.line.Halpha)
  (4+5)e_HaTiltmag mag (n) rms uncertainty on HTiltmag (hTiltmag_err) (stat.error;phot.mag)
  (4+5)HaPointer  (n) ID number in the Halpha-band single-filter catalog (hPointer) (Note 2)   (
  (4+5)RArd rad Right ascension of object on the sky in radian (J2000) (RA) (Note 3)   (pos.eq.ra)
  (4+5)DErd rad Declination of object on the sky in radian (J2000) (DEC) (Note 3)   (pos.eq.dec)
  (5)HClass   [-9/1] Morphological classification based on the shape of the PSF for Halpha-band (hClass) (Note G1)   (src.morph.type)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (6+7+8)r'mag mag r' magnitude (Vega) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (6+7+8)e_r'mag mag rms uncertainty on r'mag (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  (6+7+8)i'mag mag i' magnitude (Vega) (phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  (6+7+8)e_i'mag mag rms uncertainty on i'mag (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.I)
  (6+7+8)Hamag mag Halpha magnitude (Vega) (phot.flux;em.line.Halpha)
  (6+7+8)e_Hamag mag rms uncertainty on Hamag (stat.error;phot.mag;em.IR.H)
  (6+7+8)R4sigma arcsec 4σ error circle radius (
  (6+7+8)Offset  Offset in R4sigma units (pos;arith.diff)
  (6+7+8)L  Likelihood ratio for objects in the 4sigma error circle (stat.likelihood)
  (6+7+8)Num  Number of unique optical sources within each error circle (Note 1)   (meta.number)
  (6+7+8)Fr'   [-9/1] r' morphological flag associated with the detection (Note G1)   (meta.code)
  (6+7+8)Fi'   [-9/1] i' morphological flag associated with the detection (Note G1)   (meta.code)
  (6+7+8)FHa   [-9/1] Halpha morphological flag associated with the detection (Note G1)   (meta.code)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  (6)SimbadName (char) Designation understandable by the Simbad data-base (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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