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  VIVACE, VIrac VAriable Classification Ensemble (Molnar+, 2022)
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1.J/MNRAS/509/2566/vivaceVIrac VAriable Classification Ensemble catalog (1364732 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  VIVACE  (i) Unique VIVACE source ID, a running index (vivace_id) (;meta.main)
  Class (char) Most likely variability class (class) (Note 1)   (src.class)
  Prob  Predicted probability of most likely variability class (prob) (Note 2)   (meta.code.class;src.var)
  Period d Recommended period (corrected for aliases where possible and matches conventions for EW) (period) (time.period)
  RA_ICRS deg (i) VIRAC-2 right ascension (ICRS) at epoch 2014.0 if proper motion computed (ra) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DE_ICRS deg (i) VIRAC-2 declination (ICRS) at epoch 2014.0 if proper motion computed (dec) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  GLON deg Galactic longitude computed from VIRAC positions (l) (pos.galactic.lon)
  GLAT deg Galactic latitude computed from VIRAC positions (b) (
  lsqKsEp   [21/2052] Number of Ks epochs used in cleaned light curve (kslsqn_epochs) (meta.number)
  lsqKsAmp mag Amplitude computed from the best-fitting Fourier series (kslsqamplitude) (Note 3)   (phot.mag;meta.modelled)

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 (i)indexed column
  lsqPer d Best period from the Fourier least-squares routine (lsq_period) (Note 4)   (time.period;meta.modelled)
  e_lsqPer d Error of best period from Fourier least-squares routine (lsqperioderror) (stat.error)
  lsqN   [4/10] No. of Fourier terms used in best-fitting Fourier series (lsq_nterms) (Note 5)   (meta.number)
  lsqAmp1 mag Amplitude of the 1st Fourier term (lsqamp1) (phys.atmol.term)
  lsqAmp2 mag Amplitude of the 2nd Fourier term (lsqamp2) (phys.atmol.term)
  lsqAmp3 mag Amplitude of the 3rd Fourier term (lsqamp3) (phys.atmol.term)
  lsqAmp4 mag Amplitude of the 4th Fourier term (lsqamp4) (phys.atmol.term)
  lsqphi1 rad Phase of the 1st Fourier term (lsqphi1) (stat.Fourier)
  lsqphi2 rad Phase of the 2nd Fourier term (lsqphi2) (stat.Fourier)
  lsqphi3 rad Phase of the 3rd Fourier term (lsqphi3) (stat.Fourier)
  lsqphi4 rad Phase of the 4th Fourier term (lsqphi4) (stat.Fourier)
  lsqAmpd1 mag Amplitude of the 1st Fourier term at twice the best-fitting Fourier period (lsqampdouble_1) (time.period)
  lsqAmpd2 mag Amplitude of the 2nd Fourier term at twice the best-fitting Fourier period (lsqampdouble_2) (time.period)

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 (i)indexed column
  lsqAmpd3 mag Amplitude of the 3rd Fourier term at twice the best-fitting Fourier period (lsqampdouble_3) (time.period)
  lsqAmpd4 mag Amplitude of the 4th Fourier term at twice the best-fitting Fourier period (lsqampdouble_4) (time.period)
  lsqphid1 rad Phase of the 1st Fourier term at twice the best-fitting Fourier period (lsqphidouble_1) (stat.Fourier)
  lsqphid2 rad Phase of the 2nd Fourier term at twice the best-fitting Fourier period (lsqphidouble_2) (stat.Fourier)
  lsqphid3 rad Phase of the 3rd Fourier term at twice the best-fitting Fourier period (lsqphidouble_3) (stat.Fourier)
  lsqphid4 rad Phase of the 4th Fourier term at twice the best-fitting Fourier period (lsqphidouble_4) (stat.Fourier)
  KsAmp mag Max-Min magnitude (ks_amplitude) (src.var.amplitude)
  Ksfracdet  Fraction of Ks observations beyond one standard deviation of mean magnitude (ksfracdetectionsoutside1sigma) (stat.stdev)
  lsqdlogl  Difference in log- likelihood between Fourier fit and constant magnitude solution (no scaling of uncertainties) (deltalogllsq_const) (
  log10LSfap  Base-10 logarithm of the false-alarm probability from the Lomb-Scargle periodogram (log10lombscarglefap) (
  LSmaxpow  Maximum power in Lomb- Scargle periodogram (lombscarglemaxpow) (
  Ksphase  Maximum phase difference between consecutive observations in phase-folded lightcurve (ksphasediffmax) (Note 6)   (stat.error)
  LSpowRat  Maximum Lomb-Scargle power (max_pow) minus mean power all over standard deviation of power (lombscarglepowmaxdevstd_ratio) (

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 (i)indexed column
  KsphdiffRat  Maximum phase difference in phase-folded Ks light-curve minus mean phase difference divided by standard deviation of phase differences (same caveat as ksphasediffmax) (ksphasediffmaxdevstd_ratio) (stat.error)
  SecMin   [0/1] Flag indicating whether a significant secondary minimum is present (significantsecondminimum) (Note 7)   (meta.code)
  KsminRatModel  Ratio between consecutive minima in the best- fitting Fourier model (ksconsecminimumratiomodel) (Note 8)   (
  KsminRatioData  (n) Ratio between consecutive minima as computed using at least three measurements within at least 0.025 phase of minimum (ksconsecminimumratiodata) (Note 9)   (
  prob1ststage   [0.65/1.0] Classification probability for the 1st stage of classification to distinguish between constant and variable sources (using the proportion of similar classifications by the trees) (prob1ststage) (
  ProbVar   [0.5/1.0] Probability of variability from 2nd stage classifier (1-probability of constant source) (prob_var) (src.var)
  Zscalefac  (n) Factor by which the Fourier model for the Ks band needs to be scaled to match measurements in Z band (zscalefactor) (arith.factor)
  Zrms/Ksrms  (n) Ratio of the inverse-variance- weighted (from uncertainties) root- mean-squared (RMS) observations in Z band compared to RMS of Ks Fourier model evaluated at times of Z observations (zrmsksrmsratio) (
  Yscalefac  (n) Factor by which the Fourier model for the Ks band needs to be scaled to match measurements in Y band (yscalefactor) (arith.factor)
  Yrms/Ksrms  (n) Ratio of the inverse-variance- weighted (from uncertainties) root-mean-squared (RMS) observations in Y band compared to RMS of Ks Fourier model evaluated at times of Y observations (yrmsksrmsratio) (
  Jscalefac  (n) Factor by which the Fourier model for the Ks band needs to be scaled to match measurements in J band (jscalefactor) (arith.factor)
  Jrms/Ksrms  (n) Ratio of the inverse-variance- weighted (from uncertainties) root-mean-squared (RMS) observations in J band compared to RMS of Ks Fourier model evaluated at times of J observations (jrmsksrmsratio) (
  Hscalefac  (n) Factor by which the Fourier model for the Ks band needs to be scaled to match measurements in H band (hscalefactor) (arith.factor)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Hrms/Ksrms  (n) Ratio of the inverse- variance- weighted (from uncertainties) root-mean-squared (RMS) observations in H band compared to RMS of Ks Fourier model evaluated at times of H observations (hrmsksrmsratio) (
  J-Ks mag (n) Colour excess in (J-Ks) computed using the colour of red clump stars assuming (J-Ks)0=0.62 (ejk_rc) (Note 10)   (phot.color;em.IR.J;em.IR.K)
  H-Ks mag (n) Colour excess in (H-Ks). Red clump assumed (H-Ks)0=0.09 (ehk_rc) (phot.color;em.IR.H;em.IR.K)
  Zivwmag mag (n) Inverse-variance-weighted Z magnitude of all b-grade photometry (Note 11)   (phot.mag)
  e_Zivwmag mag (n) Inverse- variance-weighted uncertainty on Z magnitude (see zivwmean_mag) (Note 12)   (phot.mag)
  Yivwmag mag (n) Inverse-variance-weighted y magnitude of all b-grade photometry (Note 11)   (phot.mag)
  e_Yivwmag mag (n) Inverse-variance-weighted uncertainty on Y magnitude (see yivwmean_mag) (Note 12)   (phot.mag)
  Jivwmag mag (n) Inverse-variance-weighted J magnitude of all b-grade photometry (Note 11)   (phot.mag)
  e_Jivwmag mag (n) Inverse-variance-weighted uncertainty on J magnitude (see jivwmean_mag) (Note 12)   (phot.mag)
  Hivwmag mag (n) Inverse-variance-weighted H magnitude of all b-grade photometry (Note 11)   (phot.mag)
  e_Hivwmag mag (n) Inverse-variance-weighted uncertainty on H magnitude (see hivwmean_mag) (Note 12)   (phot.mag)
  Ksivwmag mag Inverse-variance-weighted Ks magnitude of all b-grade photometry (Note 11)   (phot.mag)
  e_Ksivwmag mag Inverse-variance-weighted uncertainty on Ks magnitude (see ksivwmean_mag) (Note 12)   (phot.mag)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  KsNphot   [1/2074] Number of Ks detections used for statistics (ksnphot) (meta.number)
  KsNEp   [21/2074] Number of Ks epochs used in computation of variability statistics employed in 1st classification stage (ksvarstatsn_epochs) (meta.number)
  s_Ksmag mag Standard deviation of Ks magnitudes (note slightly different quality cuts compared to ksstdmag) (ksstdvarstats) (stat.stdev;phot.mag)
  KsKur  Kurtosis of Ks magnitudes (ks_kurtosis) (
  Ksskew  Skew of Ks magnitudes (ks_skew) (
  Ksp0 mag 0th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p0) (stat.error)
  Ksp1 mag 1st percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p1) (stat.error)
  Ksp2 mag 2nd percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p2) (stat.error)
  Ksp4 mag 4th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p3) (stat.error)
  Ksp5 mag 5th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p5) (stat.error)
  Ksp8 mag 8th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p8) (stat.error)
  Ksp16 mag 16th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p16) (stat.error)
  Ksp25 mag 25th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p25) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Ksp32 mag 32nd percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p32) (stat.error)
  Ksp50 mag 50th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p50) (stat.error)
  Ksp68 mag 68th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p68) (stat.error)
  Ksp75 mag 75th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p75) (stat.error)
  Ksp84 mag 84th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p84) (stat.error)
  Ksp92 mag 92nd percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p92) (stat.error)
  Ksp95 mag 95th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p95) (stat.error)
  Ksp96 mag 96th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p96) (stat.error)
  Ksp98 mag 98th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p98) (stat.error)
  Ksp99 mag 99th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p99) (stat.error)
  Ksp100 mag 100th percentile of Ks photometry (ks_p100) (stat.error)
  Ksmad mag Median absolute deviation of Ks magnitudes (ks_mad) (stat.stdev)
  Kseta  von Neumann ratio of the mean square successive magnitude difference to the variance (ks_eta) (Note 13)   (

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_Kseta  Error-weighted von- Neumann ratio (ksetae) (Note 14)   (stat.error)
  KsSin  Number of pairs of measurements (ksstetsonin) (Note 15)   (meta.number)
  KsSI  (n) Stetson I: correlation between consecutive brightness measurements (ksstetsoni) (Note 16)   (stat.correlation)
  KsSJ  Stetson J: correlation between consecutive brightness measurements (ksstetsonj) (Note 17)   (stat.correlation)
  KsSK  Stetson K: robust kurtosis measure (ksstetsonk) (Note 18)   (stat.correlation)
  GaiaEDR3  (n) Gaia EDR3 source ID (gaiaedr3source_id) (
  RAGdeg deg (n) Gaia EDR3 right ascension (ICRS) at Ep=2016 (gaiaedr3ra) (pos.eq.ra)
  DEGdeg deg (n) Gaia EDR3 declination (ICRS) at Ep=2016 (gaiaedr3dec) (pos.eq.dec)
  Plx mas (n) Gaia EDR3 parallax (gaiaedr3parallax) (pos.parallax)
  pmRA mas/yr (n) Gaia EDR3 right ascension proper motion, pmRA*cosDE (gaiaedr3pmra) (;pos.eq.ra)
  pmDE mas/yr (n) Gaia EDR3 declination proper motion (gaiaedr3pmdec) (;pos.eq.dec)
  e_Plx mas (n) Gaia EDR3 parallax uncertainty (gaiaedr3parallax_error) (stat.error;pos.parallax)
  e_pmRA mas/yr (n) Gaia EDR3 right ascension proper motion uncertainty (e_pmRA*cosDE) (gaiaedr3pmra_error) (stat.error;;pos.eq.ra)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_pmDE mas/yr (n) Gaia EDR3 declination proper motion uncertainty (gaiaedr3pmdec_error) (stat.error;;pos.eq.dec)
  PlxpmRAcor  (n) Gaia EDR3 parallax pmra correlation (gaiaedr3parallaxpmracorr) (stat.correlation)
  PlxpmDEcor  (n) Gaia EDR3 parallax pmdec correlation (gaiaedr3parallaxpmdeccorr) (stat.correlation)
  pmRApmDEcor  (n) Gaia EDR3 pmra pmdec correlation (gaiaedr3pmrapmdeccorr) (stat.correlation)
  Gmag mag (n) Gaia EDR3 G magnitude (gaiaedr3photgmean_mag) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  BPmag mag (n) Gaia EDR3 G_BP magnitude (gaiaedr3photbpmean_mag) (phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  RPmag mag (n) Gaia EDR3 G_RP magnitude (gaiaedr3photrpmean_mag) (phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  SepVG arcsec (n) Angular separation between VIRAC2 and Gaia-EDR3 (corrected for epoch difference using proper motion from Gaia EDR3). Maximum separation = 0.5 (virac2gedr3sep) (pos.angDistance)
  E(B-V) mag (n) Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998ApJ...500..525S) E(B-V) (ebv_schlegel) (phot.color.excess)
  RUWE  (n) Gaia EDR3 Reduced Unit Weight Error (gaiaedr3ruwe) (stat.error)
  _RA.icrs deg (n)(i) Right Ascension (ICRS, epoch 2000) computed by CDS (pos.eq.ra)
  _DE.icrs deg (n)(i) Declination (ICRS, epoch 2000) computed by CDS (pos.eq.dec)

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