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  Groups of stars in NGC 1893 (Hovhannessian+, 2007)
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1.J/other/Ap/50.194/table2Groups of O-B-A3 Stars in the Direction of the Cluster NGC 1893 (16 rows)
2.J/other/Ap/50.194/table1Parameters of the Stars Studied (255 rows)

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  (ALL)recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
   (ALL)Group  (n)(i) Group number, [H2007b] Group R in Simbad (;meta.main)
   (ALL)E(B-V) mag Colour excess (phot.color.excess)
   (ALL)MOD mag Distance modulus (V-MV) (phot.mag.distMod)
   (ALL)AV mag Total absorption (phys.absorption)
  (1)MOD0 mag Distance modulus (V0-MV) (phot.mag.distMod)
  (1)e_MOD0 mag rms uncertainty on MOD0 (stat.error)
  (1)Dist pc Heliocentric distance (pos.distance)
  (1)e_Dist pc rms uncertainty on Dist (stat.error)
  (1)Nstar  Number of stars in the Group (meta.number)
  (1)Name (char) Name of the Group (
  (2)Seq  Sequential number, Cl* NGC 1893 H NNN in Simbad (meta.record)
  (2)SpType (char) MK spectral type (src.spType)

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